Cutting Ocean Plastic in Half by 2025

We’ve developed a solution that can cut 20% of annual ocean plastic on its first install site: The Ocean Plastic Filter

1. Filter

Air bubbles direct plastic toward collection booms and conveyor belts that bring plastic out of the river.

3. Sort

Plastic materials are separated by types – and depending on contamination level the different materials will then enter the next step of its life.

2. Collect

The conveyor belts bring the plastic material on-shore, while organic materials stay or go back into the river, crucial fodder for downstream life.

4. Upcycle

PET and HDPE are the simplest materials to upcycle into consumer goods. While lower grade and contaminated materials can be sent to the W2E plant.

“It’s a triage solution, to address the pandemic that’s killing our oceans.”

  • – Adrian Solgaard

Conceptualized by Adrian Solgaard and championed as the premiere project of The Solgaard Foundation, The Ocean Plastic filter seeks to be a solution to the world’s most polluting rivers.

The volume of plastic coming out of the world’s most polluting rivers is so immense that on-site solutions are needed to address upcycling at the collection point.

It’s crucial for upstream solutions to be created as well – but these systemic changes could take the next 10-20 years to put into place.

Take action

With almost 100,000 signatures, we’re soon ready to present our proposal to the government and stakeholders of this project.

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